Arise, Awake Summary

BookSummaryClub Blog Arise, Awake Summary

The lowdown: Arise, Awake summary based on Rashmi Bansal’s book is like a high school yearbook but with the stories of a few privileges who made it before they even turned thirty.

The world is constantly changing, and businesses aren’t the exception. One country that has the key to success is India and most of their success comes from entrepreneurs.

In 2000, very few knew the word entrepreneurship o else what it actually meant. But the stories that Rashmi tells us in this book will definitely imprint that word in your head, and maybe give you the push you’ve been needing to finally start that idea of business that came to you at 3:00 am or in my case, after a terrible hangover (I’ll tell you later if it worked).

Arise, Awake: The Inspiring Stories of 10 Young Entrepreneurs Who Graduated from College into a Business of Their Own
  • Audible Audiobook
  • Rashmi Bansal (Author) – Smita Singh (Narrator)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 01/01/2017 (Publication Date) – Audible Studios (Publisher)

This 6 stories in Arise, Awake can give us three important key lessons:

  1. If your first idea fails, you don’t need to start from scratch.
  2. Always think big but keep in mind that changes can turn out in a good way
  3. When you get a business idea don’t let it go no matter what you’re doing at the moment.
Arise Awake Summary #makemoneyonline

Lesson One: If your first idea fails, you don’t need to start from scratch

Let’s say it’s a hot summer in your town and you have an incredible business idea of an ice cream truck. At first, everything is going marvellous but by the time winter arrives, your sells experience a major drop.

Now, most of the people would surrender and closed the business and wait for another summer perhaps. Well, that’s not what an actual entrepreneur would do.

If your first idea fails, just use what the main picture was and reinvent, because if your business started with the right foot then all it takes it’s an update. 

Lesson two: Always think big but keep in mind that changes can turn out in a good way.

 For instance, there’s a university in India called The National Institute of Technology Karnataka, NITK for short, that has an entrepreneurship cell where young and bright minds come together to create or start great businesses ideas. They are definitely thinking big.

So, you might have a great business idea but keep in mind that not everyone would accept it as it is. Maybe you need to make some changes, for improvement or just because that whole idea doesn’t fit your future plans. Just don’t be a stubborn idiot and take every suggestion presently.

Lesson three: when you get a business idea don’t let it go no matter what you’re doing at the moment.

In almost all of the stories Rashmi describes, these entrepreneurs were just kids like you and me, starting college wondering if they pick out the right career. But then they realize that wasn’t what they wanted to do with their lives so they took a chance, they risk everything for their convictions. And they succeeded. Hey, if it worked for them, it will work for you. Try again and again.

My personal takeaway

I really, really learned a lot reading this one. Rashmi stories are inspiring. Sometimes it kind of made me think I’m just way past the golden age of succeeding in business, and I’m just 24 years old.

But I think if I follow these simple steps and take a chance like those kids did, I can finally see that idea come into shape and take off in a brand new world full with risky entrepreneurs and who knows? If it does, I can start calling myself one without my tongue to tangle when I say the word entrepreneurs

Did this summary excite you?

Book summaries are great, but I also really believe that you will not fully understand the book or the author without trying the real thing. Learn more about this subject by listening to the full book for free via Audible.

Put into action

Simply, take a chance. Trust yourself and your ideas. You don’t even have to wait to get a degree or a meaningless job where you feel like trash to consider opening your own business. You only need determination and constancy to get out there and start changing the world.

You should consider this book if…

If you’re going to college and you feel like there’s more out there for you or you just think you can do great things but you only need a push into starting that business it’s been going around your head for a while.

Or, read our other business book summaries.

Hey, I’m Erik… a Swedish university student, marketing professional, and life-long learner. Here at BookSummaryClub I summarize my favorite non-fiction books into easily digested posts. Hope you like what you’re reading!

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