Blinkist vs. Lucid: Which One is the Best?

BookSummaryClub Blog Blinkist vs. Lucid: Which One is the Best?

Many people have busy lives and don’t always have the time to read a full-length novel or nonfiction piece, but they still want to stay informed and up-to-date on current topics. That’s why book summary apps can be so useful. They allow users to quickly get a book’s gist without spending hours reading it. 

This article will compare two popular summary apps: Blinkist and lucid. We’ll look at their features, pros, and cons and discuss which is better for readers overall. 

Let’s get started.

Blinkist Overview

Blinkist is a popular book summary app that offers concise and comprehensive summaries of thousands of nonfiction books. The app provides 15-minute audio and text versions of the summaries so that users can read or listen to them at their own pace. 

Blinkist also offers in-depth analysis through key insights, usually 30-second bursts of information that provide a deeper understanding of the book’s key points. Finally, Blinkist also provides multiple quiz questions at the end of each summary to help users retain and apply what they’ve learned from the book.

Features of Blinkist

Here are some of the features that Blinkist offers:

15-minute audio and text summaries

Blinkist offers audio and text summaries for each book so that users can choose the best format that suits their needs.

Key insights

Blinkist provides key insights to help readers gain a deeper understanding of the concepts in the book.

Quiz questions

At the end of each summary, Blinkist provides multiple quiz questions to help users retain and apply the concepts.

Thousands of nonfiction books available: Blinkist has a wide range of nonfiction books for summarization.

These are just some features that set Blinkist apart from other summary apps. Now let’s look at lucid book summaries and see how it compares.

Lucid Overview

Lucid is another popular book summary app that offers summaries of thousands of nonfiction books. These are mainly summaries of works in various genres, including business, self-help, and personal finance. 

These summaries are written by professionals and are condensed to approximately 4500 words or 20 minutes of reading time. Lucid also has a library of audio and video content, allowing users to access summaries of books through these mediums quickly.

Features of Lucid

The following features help make Lucid a convenient and resourceful tool.


Lucid offers condensed summaries of books in multiple genres written by professionals.

Audio & Video Content

Users can access summaries of works through audio and video files, allowing them to save time and easily incorporate book summaries into their daily lives.

Adaptive Learning

Lucid offers personalized recommendations and tracks user progress, helping users identify their knowledge gaps and stay updated with essential reading material.

Thousands of nonfiction books are available

Lucid has a wide range of nonfiction books available for summarization.

These are some of the features that make lucid an ideal book summary app. Let’s compare Blinkist and lucid to see which is better overall.


When comparing Blinkist and lucid, the two apps have a few key similarities and differences. One similarity is that both apps offer audio and text summaries of nonfiction books and key insights and quiz questions at the end of each summary.

One major difference between Blinkist and Lucid is that Blinkist offers a deeper analysis of each book with more detailed key insights than Lucid. Blinkist also offers more quiz questions at the end of each summary, which can help users retain and apply what they’ve learned from the book.

Overall, both apps offer a variety of features that make them ideal for summarizing nonfiction books. However, Blinkist’s in-depth analysis and additional quiz questions make it the better overall book summary app.

Blinkist is the better overall choice for summarizing nonfiction books. Its in-depth analysis and additional quiz questions can help users gain a deeper understanding of the concepts in the book and retain what they’ve learned. If you’re looking for a comprehensive way to get the most out of your reading, Blinkist is the best choice.

Here’s a table with a side-by-side comparison of Blinkist and Lucid’s features.

Blinkist vs. Lucid Book Summary Apps

Audio & Video ContentHas Audio & Video ContentNo Audio & Video Content
ContentIn-depth summariesGeneral summaries
Adaptive Learning Personalized recommendations and progress tracking Personalized recommendations
Book AnalysisHas an in-depth analysis of each bookNo in-depth analysis of each book

As you can see, Blinkist offers more detailed key insights and quiz questions than Lucid, making it the better choice for summarizing nonfiction books.

Final Wrap-Up

Blinkist is the better overall book summary app for summarizing nonfiction books. Its in-depth analysis and additional quiz questions can help readers gain a deeper understanding of the concepts in the book and retain what they’ve learned. If you’re looking to get the most out of your reading, Blinkist is the best choice.

So, if you’re looking for a comprehensive way to get the most out of your reading, Blinkist is the go-to book summary app for nonfiction books. It offers more detailed key insights and quiz questions than other book summary apps and can help you better understand each book.

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