Step-by-step: How to Search and Sort on Audible by Price

BookSummaryClub Blog Step-by-step: How to Search and Sort on Audible by Price

When doing my article on the 11 most expensive and highly rated books on Audible, I discovered just how hard it is to search and sort books by price. This is somewhat frustrating especially if you want to figure out how to get the best use of your Audible credits. This is why I decided to write a step-by-step guide about how to search and sort on Audible by price. 

Audible Search and Sort by Price

Why would you want to search Audible by price int the first place? Well, you might want to check which book is most expensive and you can use your credits for; especially if you have saved some up.

But – you can’t search or sort books by price on Audible. It’s as simple as that. There is a way, however, to get around this. You have to do it on Amazon instead. It’s an indirect method, sure, but it works! Let’s go through it step by step.

1. Amazon Advanced Search

In order to get to the Amazon Advanced Search Page, you first hit the magnifying glass on the normal search page and it will appear on the toolbar below.

How to search and sort on Audible by price

If you are using the mobile site, it might not show up at first. Don’t stress, just ensure that you select the full site option at the bottom of your screen. You should be able to now access the advanced search page the same way as above.

2. Choose your Search Conditions

Once you are on the page, fill in your search criteria as per your interests. If you don’t fill in some criteria you will end up with thousands of results; especially if you sort by lowest price. You can imagine how many free audiobooks will come up as a result of all of the differing genres. So fill in keywords, authors or subjects of your interest.

Once that is done, on the selection panel on the right, under Format, ensure that you select “Audible Audio Edition” and the then choose how you would like the results sorted under “Sort Results by”. There are multiple options, not just price.

 You can select one of the following options:

  • Featured
  • Best-Selling
  • Price: Low to High
  • Price: High to Low
  • Avg. Customer Review
  • Publication Date

3. Click Search

After you have entered all the search conditions, click search. Your results will now be available according to your sort selection. Although now sorted by the price though, you will have to select each book individually to go to the description page to check their actual cost of the book.

 In addition, you can further filter these results using the selection menu which shows up to the left of the page. 

And that’s how it’s done, folks. It may seem like a roundabout way to search and sort on Audible, but it’s all Amazon in the end. Hope this article helps you find your perfect audiobook! If not, check out our various reading lists for some recommendations!

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