The Greatest Salesman In The World Summary

BookSummaryClub Blog The Greatest Salesman In The World Summary

Are you looking for the magic bullet that will make you a better salesman so you can close deals like never before? Sales is a competitive field and to really make it you have to outshine so many other people looking to close that same deal with you. 

In this history bestseller, The Greatest Salesman in the World Mandino explains just how you can become a great salesman. This book was first published in 1968 and has taught so many people the principles of becoming a great salesperson. 

Read this The Greatest Salesman in the World summary for a quick look at the timeless advice being passed on by Og Mandino.  

Mandino passes his advice in the form of a parable. In this parable, there was a rich man called Pathros who was a trader and known as the greatest salesman in the world. He had a camel boy called Hafid whom he also adopted as his son. Hafid met a beautiful girl called Lisha and to marry her he asked Pathros to allow him to become a salesman. 

Pathros gives Hafid a robe to go sell. On his endeavors, Hafid meets a couple in a cave with a newborn baby and out of compassion he gives them the robe. Hafid goes home empty-handed. However on his return from Bethlehem, even though he is empty-handed, Pathros sees a shining star on Hafid and decides he is the next one to be given the ten scrolls that contained the principles to become the best salesman in the world. 

The scrolls come with instructions that Hafid must follow. Each scroll should be read three times a day (morning, noon and in the evening) for thirty days. This was so that the principles in each scroll would become internalized and ingrained in every salt of his being. At night the scroll was to be read out, but in the morning and noon, it was to be read silently. 

Also, the scrolls had to be read in order from I to X, with the next one only being read after the thirty days were over. Hafid was also to give 50% of his earnings to the poor after learning from the scrolls a condition he agreed to. 

The Greatest Salesman in the World
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The Greatest Salesman in the World
  • Audible Audiobook
  • Og Mandino (Author) – Mark Bramhall (Narrator)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 11/01/2016 (Publication Date) – Random House Audio (Publisher)

Here are the ten scrolls that were given to Hafid and the messages in them;

The Scroll Marked I – I will form new habits and become their slave. To succeed as a salesman, you need to inculcate the habits that will take you far. You cannot act on impulse. You only act on habits as a salesman, and this is what the first scroll was to teach Hafid. 

It is in this scroll that the rules for reading the scrolls are written. He was to read the scrolls three times daily and for thirty days. 

The Scroll Marked II – I will greet this day with love. The love that you give out to the universe will always come back to you. This is the greatest success in all ventures. When you greet the day with love, you will speak words that will inspire others. 

You will make your enemies your friends and will treat everyone you come across with love. When you do this that love will come back to you and people will want to buy from you. 

The Scroll Marked III – I will persist until I succeed. Persistence will bring you success. You cannot become the greatest salesman in the world if you give up. The prizes will be at the end, and therefore you have to persist and keep trying. Keep charging at life and overcoming the challenges so you can get success. 

The Scroll Marked IV- I am nature’s greatest miracle. You are unique, and no other person that has come before or will come after can be exactly like you. You, therefore, can achieve what others have accomplished in your own uniqueness. No one can talk, walk or think like you. When you understand that you are unique, you will use your strengths to become the greatest salesman there is.

The Scroll Marked V – I will live this day as if it is my last. When you see each day as the last, then every moment becomes precious to you. You will not waste precious time thinking of the misfortunes of yesterday, the failures, the defeats, and the heartaches. 

Instead, you will focus on doing what you love to the very best at that particular instance. Live in the present moment and do your best then. 

The Scroll Marked VI – Today I will be a master of my emotions. Unless you have the right mood, your day will not be a success. You have to understand that nature is always in a constant state of change and so are your emotions. You will be happy sometimes and other times melancholy. 

Sometimes you will be happy and other times sad. Master your emotions so that they do not affect your work and you will see success. 

The Scroll Marked VII – I will laugh at the world. Do not take life so seriously. Only man has the gift to laugh of all the creatures in the universe. Enjoy that gift because it will lighten your burdens and make you more appealing. Learn how to laugh and smile and be happy with other people. 

The Scroll Marked VIII – Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold. As a salesman, you have to grow and multiply. To grow, therefore, you must set goals for the day, week, month and year. Consider what your best performance is in achieving your goals and multiply that a hundred or a thousand fold and you will grow beyond your imagination. 

The Scroll Marked IX – I will act now. My dreams are worthless, my plans are dust, my goals are impossible without action. You have to work to achieve everything that you have set out to achieve. Avoid procrastination and fear to act. 

The Scroll marked X –finally as a salesman you also need to pray. You need to believe in a power mightier than you that will help you achieve your dream of becoming the greatest salesman in the world. This scroll contains the salesman prayer. 

What I Like About The Book

I like the simplicity that this book is written in. It offers timeless advice that cuts across the generations and in everything that you could be looking to sell. These principles can help any salesman become better. 

Why You Should Read The Book

You should read this book if you are looking to enhance your skills in sales and become a better businessman. The book is highly practical and actionable. You can quickly put the principles in the book in practice in your daily life as a business or salesman.

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