The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck Summary

BookSummaryClub Blog The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck Summary

The lowdown: The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fck will help you focus on what is important and caring about anything else.

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fck has been a runaway hit, and it easy to see why. We live in a world where we have more opportunities open to us that have ever been available before, but more and more of us are unhappy. 

Manson sets out to guide others to keep the focus on what is essential to us and not care about the rest.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
  • Audible Audiobook
  • Mark Manson (Author) – Roger Wayne (Narrator)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 09/13/2016 (Publication Date) – HarperAudio (Publisher)

Three key lessons from The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fck  are:

  1. Find the struggle that makes you happy
  2. You’ll never be satisfied if you have crappy values
  3. You need to take control of your mistakes and your actions to see positive change
subtle art of not giving a fuck summary #entrepreneur

Lesson One: Find the struggle that makes you happy

If you want to achieve success in your life, you need to set a goal that’ll push you to get there.

I’m not talking about vague goals like ‘being happy’. Sure, being happy and amazing, but setting a vague life goal like that won’t push you to be your best. 

However, I am sorry to tell you, that no matter what goal you set, you’ll struggle to get there. But that is the point. 

Your job is to pick a goal that is worth struggling for. You may like the sound of being a C.E.O, and you may like the salary of a C.E.O even more. However, if you get to the top job and you’re put off by the 60-hour workweeks and making the tough decisions, then you won’t last. 

Instead, you need to find a struggle that makes you happy and reject the struggle that doesn’t.  

Lesson Two: You’ll never be satisfied if you have crappy values

You can set goals and make sure you do what you love, but if your values are weak, then you’ll never be happy. 

So many people have crappy values, and it impacts their success and happiness. 

A value that can be detrimental to your happiness is wanting to be more successful than somebody else.

Take Dave Mustaine for example. He was kicked out of a band who were on the brink of fame. 

Not one to sit and wallow, Mustaine recruited other musicians, worked hard at improving and started the band, Megadeath. Megadeath sold 25 million copies and was incredibly popular. 

The only issue is, the band that kicked him out was Metallica. 

Mustaine compared Megadeath to one of the world’s biggest bands ever in Metallica. While Megadeath was more successful than most would dream of, Mustaine was never satisfied. 

Other negative values that hold back your success include the neverending quest for pleasure and looking to increase wealth constantly.

Instead, focus on values that:

  • Are based in reality
  • Help society
  • You can control immediately and effectively. 

Such values could include honesty, integrity and creativity.

Lesson Three: You need to take control over your mistakes and your actions to see positive change

We often feel as though we are passengers in our own lives: Maybe we didn’t get that job; maybe your girlfriend left you, or perhaps you just missed your morning train. 

However, to actually make a change in your life, you need to be aware that you are fully responsable for your life. 

In fact, as philosopher, Charles Pierce said, you need to be 100% responsible for your own life. 

Knowing that your are the driver in your life, not the passenger will give you the basis to make positive changes. 

As the driver of your life, you’re steering and can make decisions, where as a passenger, you’re just along for the ride. 

So, for example, imagine your parter leaves you. Rather than blame them for being cruel, maybe take the blame on to things that you did to contribute. Were you lazy around the house? Did you not let them know you love them? 

By focusing on what we can change, and making those changes, you will be able to avoid getting in the same situation in the future.

But this only happens when you know you’re in control.

My Personal Takeaway

This book is a great reality check for me. There are times that I find myself comparing myself to others’ successes. 

I know I am not alone. 

Most of what you read in The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fck won’t be groundbreaking. However, being aware of the mistakes mentioned in this book is the first step toward catching yourself making them.

Once you’re catching yourself make the mistakes, you can fix them and start to live a happier life. 

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Book summaries are great, but I also really believe that you will not fully understand the book or the author without trying the real thing. Learn more about this subject by listening to the full book for free via Audible.

Put it into action today

Write down a list of all that you have been stressing or worrying about recently. It could be money, your work, family related or anything. Which of these worries should you stop caring about?

This Book Is Perfect For…

The middle aged business owner who is trying to do it all, and is hating every second of it. 

The side-hustler who is trying to balance a career with running a business.

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Hey, I’m Erik… a Swedish university student, marketing professional, and life-long learner. Here at BookSummaryClub I summarize my favorite non-fiction books into easily digested posts. Hope you like what you’re reading!

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