ibooks vs kindle

BookSummaryClub Blog ibooks vs kindle
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Everyone loves a good e-reader. At first, book lovers feared that e-reader devices might kill physical media for good, but it became clear that once book lovers get their hands on an e-reader, both digital and physical books can exist side-by-side. 

One ultimate issue avid e-book readers always face is the issue of choosing between iBooks and Kindle. Of course, no one can choose for you, but this article will give you more insight to help you choose between these e-readers.

The Apple iBooks and the Amazon Kindle are the largest eBook providers worldwide. Apple iBooks are one of Apple’s devices; with its easy-to-use design, many books can be downloaded or bought from Apple bookstores. 

Kindle is the most advanced way to read ebooks; you can use it on tablets, Kindle e-readers, desktop computers, and smartphones. 


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It is also known as Apple Books; it is Apple’s dedicated app for reading electronic books(e-books) and is only found on Apple devices. 

Reading with Apple’s iBooks feels like a book; when placed in a portrait position, iBooks pages look like papers on a bound book

When you flip a page, you can see the print on the other side. Another benefit of iBooks is the PDF reader that comes with it; you can search for bookmark pages and PDFs easily. 

You can also filter to view bookmarked pages for future references; this feature is entirely free. iBooks offer affordable audiobooks, e-books, and sleek page-turn technology.

Important Facts About iBooks

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1. You Can’t Access iBooks From A Web Browser.

You can’t access Apple’s digital content on the web; you can only test how well the iBooks eco-system works after you purchase an Apple device.

iBooks do not have a regular bookstore like Kindle, Kobo, or Barnes and Noble. It can be assessed online, but you have to go through several lists of links.

2. The iBooks App Is Only Available For Apple Users. 

Many people enter the ecosystem of Apple not by purchasing a Mac computer but by an iPhone or iPad. If you want your iBooks to be your e-reading app,  know that you can’t easily have access to books on your laptop or PC. 

Users can read their favorite eBooks on any mobile device if it’s one of Apple’s devices.

3. Gifting Of E-books Is Possible On iBooks. 

No feature allowed users to gift e-books from the iBook store in the past, but presently, it is possible. It is available on your iPad, iPhone, and Mac computer. 

How To Gift An Ebook With Your Mac

  • Locate the e-book you want to gift to a friend or family member.
  • Click on the drop-down menu.
  • Click on the button that shows the amount of the e-book.
  • Select the “Gift this book” option and the subsequent instructions that follow.

To Gift With Your iPhone or iPad

  • Find the eBook.
  • Under it, you’ll see a gift icon like a wrapped gift box.
  • Click on it and fill in the necessary text Fields.

The vital information to remember is that the individual you want to gift should be a user of the iBookstore in the same country as you. You can’t gift an e-book to a user in the US if you are signed in another country. 

4. You Can Change The Font And Font Size In Your iBooks.

Many e-book-lovers prefer to use another font than iBooks’ default font, which typeface is Palatino. iBooks app has several font choices; let’s show you how to change the font.

How To Change Your iBooks Font

  • Open an eBook.
  • Tap on the aA icon located at the top of your screen.
  • In the menu that pops up, tap on the fonts.
  • Choose the font you prefer and tap on it.
  • The default font will quickly change to the new one you selected. 

To Change The Font Size Of Your iBook

  • You can change the font size on your iBooks if you want to fit more text on a page or make reading easier for you; here’s how to change it;
  • Tap on the as icon on your screen.
  • Tap on the small “a” on the left in the first row of the menu to reduce the default font size.
  • Tap the larger “A” on the right side to increase the font size. 


Businesswoman showing blank tablet and phone screens Front view close up of a businesswoman showing blank tablet and phone screens on a desktop at office two kindle phones stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Kindle puts an entire library in your pocket; even if you choose any of the Kindle devices like the basic Kindle, the top-of-the-line Kindle Oasis, the pocketable Paperwhite, or the amazing Scribe, your Kindle can hold thousands of books, even the ones you can store in the cloud and thousands with its sleek back casing.

All the Kindle models feature excellent adjustable warm LED lighting that allows you to read while camping under the stars. The top-of-the-line Oasis and Paperwhite are waterproof as they offer blissful beachside reading.

Additionally, the Kindle can tell you how many hours it will take to finish one e-book. If you want more words on your page or have trouble seeing words, pinch your Kindle screen and zoom in to adjust.

If you want to save more battery, switch to airplane mode, that is, if you’re not downloading any e-books. You can customize the dictionary in your Kindle e-reader to read in other languages. Let’s look at other advanced features. 

1. Take A  Deeper Dive With The X-ray Feature.

Books are genius. The Kindle X-ray feature boosts an e-book’s IQ by allowing you to examine its bones instantly. To discover the X-ray feature,  tap on the top of your Kindle screen, tap on the three dots menu that pops up, then select the X-ray feature. 

If your e-book supports X-ray, you can search for more information about a particular idea, key characters, and places in your eBook. It also enables you to view a timeline of notable sections.

2. Acquire Kindle Book Deals.

Kindle posts great deals on ebooks on a daily basis and is organized by category. Users can sign up for the newsletter if they don’t visit regularly. Kindle has an unlimited subscription where you can read any book for $11.99 per month. 

3. Join A Virtual Book Club.

Goodreads in the Amazon Kindle has a book club that doesn’t require making sure your home is spotless to host in, does not require figuring out other readers’ schedules, or argues over the book to read.

How To discover Goodreads

  • Tap on the three dots on the right side of your home screen.
  • Click on Goodreads to sign in or sign up.
  • On Goodreads, you can see what your friends or colleagues are reading and their various options on any book.

4. Lockup Your Kindle With A Passcode.

If you want your electronic reading to a private, put a passcode on it. To do that, 

  • Go to your Kindle home screen.
  • Tap on the three dots that appear in the upper right of your screen.
  • Tap on Settings > Device options > Device passcode.
  • Input your passcode; you can set a numerical code up to 12 digits long. 

5. Create Notes And Highlights.

If you miss the days of highlighting with neon yellow on your notes or books, this might be your favorite feature. To do this,

  • Place your finger on a word or text that you want to highlight or make a note of.
  • Drag your finger back or forth to add more or less text.
  • Once selected, the area will gray out on your screen.
  • Tap on the selected text for options like highlights & notes, or share to Goodreads.

Note; Kindle will save your highlights and notes on Kindle’s highlight page and also in a book that will be added to your Kindle library called “Your Clippings.” 

Differences Between iBooks Vs. Kindle

Senior Asian couple sitting on the armchair relaxing and using a smartphone together in the living room at home Senior Asian couple sitting on the armchair relaxing and using a smartphone together in the living room at home two kindle phones stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

1. Design And Interface.

Since its inception, the iBooks and Amazon Kindle apps have different goals though they are free to download. Kindle is solely for reading e-books with little consideration for aesthetics. 

iBooks has all the aesthetics you can think of; it has a bookshelf view and a built-in bookstore. Generally speaking, iBooks look way better than the Kindle; iBooks wins, especially when taking a screenshot, but when reading, iBooks have no significant difference.

2. Compatible E-Book Readers.

The Kindle is universal and can run on any Mac device, PC, iOS, Android, and Amazon’s Kindle reading device. You can install the iBooks app only on Mac OSX 10.9 and Apple’s iOS devices; this means you can’t read any iBook file on devices that are not Apple made, especially if you bought the ebook from the iBooks store. 

3. E-Book Subscription Service.

Kindle store offers their users subscription options just like some traditional e-stores. With just $9.99, you can get access to more than 4 million e-books that are available to download on any device. 

Kindle store also offers you the privilege to buy e-books without a subscription; you can get access to bestsellers and book deals. On the other hand, Apple iBooks provide a minimum of 2.5 million e-books; some of the e-books are free, while some will cost you.

iBooks do not have a subscription service option making it the best choice for light readers who will not like to pay for a service they rarely use.

4. E-Book Reading Experience.

The iBooks and Kindle support landscape View with two columns; they both come with a built-in dictionary, options to highlight & notes, and syncing of bookmarks.

But the best for general reading purposes is the Kindle. The Kindle allows the filtration of annotations by starring annotations, highlighting colors,  bookmarks, and notes, which are all great when reviewing the contents of an e-book.

Kindle also supports Whispersync for voice; it allows you to switch from reading to listening to your eBook without losing your place. In contrast, iBooks automatically change your text to white if you are on a dark background. iBooks offer a smooth and better page-turn feature than a physical book.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Two shoppers showing a tablet screen in the night Two fashion shoppers showing a tablet blank screen at home in the night with lights in the background two kindle phones stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

1. Who Should Buy A Kindle?

If you want an affordable and dedicated device for reading and listening to ebooks, purchase a Kindle. Only avid readers should buy the Kindle because only they can appreciate the value Kindle books will add to their reading habits.

2. Which Device Should I Buy For Reading, Apple Devices or Kindle?

If you want a device just for reading,  purchase Kindle without having a second thought. Kindle is eye-soothing, budget-friendly, and has excellent battery life that can last for weeks.

In contrast, if you want a versatile reading experience go for any of Apple’s devices. 

Final Thoughts.

Since the iBooks and Kindle offer free downloads, download both of them and try them yourself; check which one works better for you based on your needs, preference, and reading habit.

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