Summary of 30 Ways to Reboot Your Body by Ben Greenfield

BookSummaryClub Blog Summary of 30 Ways to Reboot Your Body by Ben Greenfield

Did you know that being fit, being healthy and being thin are three very different things? Some people do but the majority make the mistake of believing they are healthy if they are thin. Besides that, people who do live a healthy lifestyle believe that they are fit. This may be true to a certain extent but this book summary proposes 30 ways to becoming an incredible fit, strong and healthy person. 

This book summary will aim to highlight the most important parts of the book. No matter what your current fitness level is, you can reboot your body and be able to take on new challenges.

In this book summary readers will discover:

  • Identifying the habits that hinder your progress
  • How to reboot your body
  • Introducing new elements into your routine
  • Start vitalizing when you are ready

Key lesson one: Identifying the habits that hinder your progress

One of the first steps you can take to begin your journey to being fitter is to figure out what you are doing wrong. There are many habits that we have that we don’t necessarily see as bad. Something simple as taking paracetamol unnecessarily or too many cups of coffee can lead to chronic inflammation and have a negative effect on your body. Eating too much processed food can also be problematic to your immune system. How? Well, these foods have an effect on your gut which actually makes up most of your immune system. By neglecting to care for your gut, you could experience an imbalance of hormones, excessive hunger and chronic fatigue to name but a few. 

Stress also poses a threat to our physical health. Many of us accept the stress levels we experience as it is believed to be normal in the modern world. However, if you are experiencing constant high levels of stress the amount of cortisol in the body increases. If cortisol levels remain high for extended periods of time, it can be harmful to the body and disrupt the normal regulation of hormones. The body does not differentiate between types of stress either. So, if you were to stress your muscles and joints because f excessive exercise, the same would occur. Consistent light exercise is actually much more effective than an intensive workout session which pushes you to the limit. This does not mean that you should avoid a rigorous workout session. It just means that you cannot do it every day if you want to stay and fit and healthy.

Key lesson two: How to reboot your body

There is no quick fix to rebooting your body. Realistically speaking, everyone’s body is different and rebooting can take anywhere from four to twelve weeks. Therefore, be patient with yourself as you begin this journey. 

Firstly, you need to begin by assessing your body. Most people shy away from going to the doctor for a check-up. However, knowing what is going on with your body is an important thing. High cholesterol, diabetes and hormonal imbalances can be determined with blood tests. It is also important that you know your family’s history of disease as then you will be aware of any potential risks for the future, You can also take necessary precautions if need be. This information is needed if you are serious about getting fitter. 

Secondly, you need to develop a plan. Ask yourself what your health goals are and be specific. Maybe you want to participate in a marathon, or maybe you want to lose those ten stubborn pounds you’ve been carrying around since college. Once you have determined your goal, whatever it may be, start breaking it down into smaller tasks. These tasks can be done every day and help you achieve your goal.

Thirdly, in order to stay on track, you need to measure your progress. Once your goals and tasks have been planned, figure out the best way to measure your progress. The metrics you choose depend on your goals. Lastly, to complete your body’s reboot start considering your gut. Your gut is so important to the whole process, so now would be the time to stop foods that are inflammatory. These include gluten, caffeine and artificial sugars. Start looking at your nutrition in a way that benefits both your gut and energy levels. Carbohydrates and fats provide our bodies with energy. However, we tend to rely on carbohydrates mostly which often leads to fat accumulation in our bodies. Thus, it is a better option to start decreasing your carbohydrate intake and think of obtaining your energy from healthy fats instead. 

These steps will form the foundation for rebooting your body.

Key lesson three: Introducing new elements into your routine

Now that you have the plan to achieve your health and fitness plans, it doesn’t mean that you have to give up chocolate and bread forever. A restricted diet when rebooting your body is useful but it is not necessary for the long run. Once you have started your routine, you can learn to reintroduce foods into your diet. 

The foods you choose to reintroduce into your diet have to be chosen wisely. They should be those that have the least negative effect on your progress and those that can be consumed in moderation. These include things like dark chocolate, quinoa, dairy and red wine. These are all foods that can be enjoyed in moderation and are good additions to your new daily routines. This is also a good opportunity for you to measure your body’s response to these foods as you reintroduce them. What works for some will not work for others as everyone’s gut is different. 

This is also the time to start changing your exercise routine. You can expand it by introducing exercises that increase your lung capacity and strength. It is usually best to combine both slow and high-intensity training for this purpose. Another thing you should aim to do at this point is to ensure that you maintain your activity levels daily. It is easy to slip into old habits so it is best to keep your activity levels high by making it easier to do so. Try a standing desk instead of the usual chair and maybe try doing some pull-ups or jumping jacks whilst waiting for the microwave to finish heating your food. You could also involve your colleagues or join a running group. In this way, you will have others with the same goal and remain motivated with their support. 

Key lesson four: Start vitalizing when you are ready

When your body has been rebooted and has gotten used to its new routine, you will feel the need to start vitalizing. This refers to kicking things up a notch and including new elements into your training routine. These are methods that are thought of as highly specialized training and can help you get better. Take hypoxia, for example, whereby you deprive yourself of oxygen for brief periods with exercises like swimming for a specific distance without taking a breath. This practice can not only improve your body’s use of oxygen but also has an effect on its ageing mechanisms. 

You can also try ways in which to develop your stamina. By the time you get to this stage, you should already be at a high level of fitness and ready to push your limits. It is suggested that you exercise to your maximum limit at least once a month and at most once a week. This gives your body time to recover and allows you to gain strength sustainably. Another element that is important at this stage is rest and enough sleep. Sleep should be considered a high priority since it is crucial for maintaining all the hard work you have put in to gain health and fitness. Less than eight hours of sleep often results in the development of health issues and is best avoided. 

Lastly, at this stage, you will realize that cheating every now and then is okay. You don’t have to feel guilty about it. You have worked so hard to get your body rebooted and in a state of peak fitness and health. A small slice of cake won’t hurt your progress at this stage. You might even find that your body will actually respond in a way that boost’s your weight loss abilities due to the hormonal signals it receives. 

The key takeaway from 30 Ways to Reboot Your Body is:

Our daily lives may have more of an impact on our health and fitness than we realize. Even if you go to the gym regularly, your lifestyle could actually be holding you back from achieving higher levels of fitness. This, in addition to unhealthy eating, an imbalance of hormones and chronic inflammation can severely hinder our body’s progress. Rebooting your body can help you identify these problematic habits and set you up for achieving your health and fitness goals. All you need is patience, determination and a few helpful strategies to begin your journey to better health and fitness.

How can I implement the lessons learned in 30 Ways to Reboot Your Body:

Introduce opportunities for movement daily. So often we are stuck indoors, behind a desk and miss so many opportunities to introduce exercise. There is a real benefit to taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Grab a friend and take a walk on your lunch break. Whatever it is, just try not to stay seated for too long. Small things add up, so don’t think that simple daily tasks will not make a difference because they do!

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